Settlement Services
Our Settlement Services help guide and support individuals and families as they make adjustments to life in Canada.
Whether you are new to Canada, or have been here for many years, VDICSS’ Settlement Workers are here to help you become an independent and contributing member of the community.
Our Settlement Program provides services to immigrants, permanent residents, naturalized Canadian citizens, those who are here through RNIP, refugees, people who have work permits or study permits, Ukrainian temporary residents in Canada eligible under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), refugees, and refugee claimants residing in the greater Vernon area. We provide the skills needed to participate in the community and share the knowledge of opportunities that promote civic participation.
We can help explain and access:​
dealing with isolation and culture shock
family issues
health & health care information
education, upgrading, and training
Canadian law
income tax
child care and family concerns
social benefits
employment information
citizenship, immigration, and refugee protection
community skills and resources
human rights
Please contact us to make an appointment with a settlement worker.
Settlement Worker in Schools (S.W.I.S.)
S.W.I.S. program provides settlement support to Newcomer families and students in cooperation with the school. Services include one-to-one settlement counselling, school orientation sessions, group information sessions, cultural and youth events. Activities help facilitate students to adjust into the British Columbian school system, the community, and life in Canada.
Information sessions are also available for school administrators and teachers to learn about the S.W.I.S. program and how it supports Newcomer students, their families, and school staff.
For helpful resources and links, on topics such as school registration, healthy lunches and more, visit our Resources page.