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Plan, prepare, stay informed

Learn how to prepare yourself and your home in the event of a wildfire or evacuation.


Have a plan

Emergency situations can be extremely stressful and disorienting. However, a plan that is easy to follow will help your family find each other safely if you have to evacuate.


Create an emergency plan with your family and ensure it is easy to access at work or at home. Find out how to prepare for a wildfire.


Start with this fillable plan from Prepared BC.


Be prepared

Wildfires can be unpredictable. Especially if you live in an area prone to wildfire, you should be ready to leave immediately. Have a go-kit ready for every household member and a wildfire plan.


Follow this basic supply list to build your kits.


Increase the chance your home will survive a wildfire by minimizing flammable materials around your house. Learn how to FireSmart your home.


Stay informed

During an emergency, the situation can change quickly. Keep up-to-date on evacuation orders and alerts by following your local government, First Nation and emergency services. Save emergency numbers as contacts in your phone.


For information on the current wildfire situation across B.C., follow the BC Wildfire Service on Facebook and Twitter. Download the mobile wildfire application on your cell phone (available for Apple or Android devices).

Report a wildfire:
1 800 663-5555 or *5555 on a cell


Fire information line: 1 888 336-7378


Burn registration line: 1 888 797-1717


Twitter: @BCGovFireInfo


Facebook: BC Wildfire Service


YouTube: BCWS YouTube


Media contacts: click here


Find more contact info

Prepare your home for a power outage

These checklists can help you prepare your home for an outage and ensure that you know what to do before, during and after an outage. You can also download the information as a printable PDF.

Up-to-date outage information can be found at If your outage isn’t listed, call BC Hydro at 1 800 BCHYDRO (1 800 224 9376), *49376 on your mobile phone. You can also get updates on Twitter at

Stay informed

Prepare an emergency kit and store it in an easyto-find location known to everyone in your home. Basic supplies should include:

Flashlights; avoid using candles as they can be a fire hazard

Hand-cranked or battery-powered radio and clock

Extra batteries

Charged power bank for charging devices

First aid kit, including prescription medicine if needed

Non-perishable and ready-to-eat foods

Bottled water: three-day supply (two litres per person per day)

Manual can opener

Warm clothing and blankets

Supplies for those with special needs

Supplies for your pet

Extra keys for your house and car

Cash in small denominations

Games, cards and books to entertain everyone

A copy of your preparedness plan

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