Community Connections
Encouraging social, cultural and professional interactions between newcomers and the established community. We assist immigrants and newcomers to become engaged and feel at home in the Vernon area.
Encouraging social, cultural and professional interactions between our clients and the established members of the community to become engaged and feel at home in the Vernon area.
Community Connections includes activities such as conversation circles, tutoring, mentoring, and participation in community events, to help you practice your English and introduce you to people and places, while helping you become familiar with local services, community events, and celebrations.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are an essential part of our efforts to ensure the successful integration of newcomer immigrants and refugees.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to: make a difference in someone’s life, contribute to your community in a meaningful way, learn about other cultures, gain new insights into your own culture, develop new friendships that might not be otherwise available to you and obtain volunteer experience.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our online application form, or visit our Get Involved page for more information.
Mentorship Opportunities
To further support the settlement and integration of Newcomers to the community, VDICSS facilitates matches and/or opportunities for social connection between newcomers and established members of the community.
Mentors provide a link to the local community and culture. They support and encourage newcomers in their goals, expose newcomers to different perspectives, and share information.
Contact us today or complete our online application form. if you are interested in becoming a mentor.